Recipe: Lingonberry Cheesecake


A Lingonberry Cheesecake seems like the perfect marriage between the typical American dessert and the flavors of Sweden.  

Joe Luna from Boys Bakery in Sacramento shows us how easy it is to whip together a Lingonberry Cheesecake with our recipe. 

You can find the text recipe below the video.

Click here to find the closest store that carries the classic, Swedish Felix Jams.



1 box of Graham crackers
6 tbsp of melted butter
4 tbsp sugar

2 cups of heavy whipping cream
8 oz softened cream cheese
1 cup of powdered sugar
1/2 cup of white sugar
3 tbsp of vanilla extract
1/2 cup of Felix Lingonberry Jam


How to


  1. Start with the crust. Crush the crackers into a chunky powder.
  2. Add melted butter and sugar, and blend together.
  3. Take the bowl that you are going to place the crust in and wipe with butter throughout so that the crust doesn’t stick while baking.
  4. Add cracker mixture, and use your hands to press down to create a crust bottom. Make sure you press hard so that it is firm and compact.
  5. Put in the oven at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.
  6. After it has baked for 10-12 minutes, take it out and let rest.


1. Start off by pouring two cups of heaving whipping cream in a bowl.
2. Add cream cheese, powdered sugar, white sugar, and vanilla extract. Blend together.
3. In a separate bowl, whip up 2 cups of heavy whipping cream.
4. Once the whipping cream has been whipped, fold it into the cream cheese mixture.
5. Finally, add 4-5 tbsp Felix Lingonberry Jam to the mixture and fold it in.

Adding it all together

  1. Take the cool crust and add the cream cheese mix to it. Flatten out with a spatula.
  2. Set in the fridge for a minimum of 2 hours, preferably longer.

    This article was originally published October 18, 2018



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