There Are Now More Millionaires In The United States Than People In Sweden


It is undeniable that times have been good lately, from an economic standpoint, for the United States. In 2018, the U.S. economy surged and unemployment rates dropped to impressive levels. Meanwhile, in Europe, the Swedish Krona had a rough go.

According to Bloomberg, there were by the end of last year about 10.2 million households in the United States with a net worth of $1 million to $5 million. Not including the value of their primary residence.

With Sweden’s 10,085,00 people, that means that the United States has more millionaires than Sweden has people.

The number of households with a net worth of $5 million – $25 million, increased by 3.7 percent to 1.4 million, and the number of households that are worth $25 million or more grew to about 173,000 in the United States, according to a survey made by Spectrum.

“Even as the ranks of the mass affluent grew, the pace slowed because of “weakening global economic growth and a contentious U.S. political environment,” said Spectrem Group President George Walper, according to Bloomberg.

Spectrem’s conducted their survey by interviewing more than 2,300 mass affluent households, 4,450 millionaire households, and 1,850 ultra-high-net-worth investors. The survey has a 4 percent margin of error.

For more info, see Bloomberg’s article:


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