Swedish vs US education systems


The Swedish and American education systems remain among the highest ranking in the world. Although successful in their own way, they have plenty of significant differences in a wide range of aspects. If you would like to know more about both systems, this is right what you might need. These are some of the basic differences in the education systems and learning methods between Sweden and the United States. 


The education system in Sweden has a more practical approach. As early as in high school, students have the option to focus on disciplines that have a strong connection with their future profession. At university, Swedes tend to take their focus to a higher level and devote their university studies, from start to finish, to a specific focus area where they acquire necessary skills for future jobs.

Across the pond, the American learning system is more diverse and broad. The students learn numerous disciplines that might not correlate with their future profession. Students choose majors and minors which adds a number of courses designed to focus on a specific industry, but they still have to take courses like history. For example, a student studying an engineering major might very well need to compose essays in Literature class, although the class or assignment itself won’t contribute much to a career in engineering. In cases like this, many learners prefer to order an essay online. The American approach allows preparing universal professionals who can switch to different niches when building their careers. If you are learning at college in the United States, you are likely to become more flexible and try working in different fields. 


American students need to learn a whopping number of different subjects during their studies. Therefore, they have a very loaded schedule with 5-7 lessons per day. This might be too challenging for many bright minds since students are expected to spend all their free time learning. 

The Swedish education system is a bit different. The learners have fewer classes per day. The program is usually not so loaded as in the United States since students are focused on profession-specific subjects. As a result, they have more free time for volunteering, working, and learning foreign languages. 


The American education system tends to assign homework and tasks for their students to do after school hours. The students need to complete dozens of academic assignments within the shortest terms. Many of them fail to meet the deadline and have a low academic performance. This rule is not working for Sweden. 

Of course, Swedish teachers assign various types of homework, including making presentations and writing essays. However, you don’t need to meet extremely burning deadlines. For example, a common 2-pages essay in the United States might require to be delivered in two days, while the deadline for the same assignment in Sweden will be about two weeks. You have an opportunity to do more advanced research, pay attention to details, and dive into the chosen topic much deeper if you don’t need to hurry up. In Sweden, the learners have more time to complete their projects.

Tuition fee’s and aid

Sweden famously provides free education up to the postgraduate level. Swedish students even receive a monthly allowance from the government in order to keep studying.

The United States is famous for its high tuition fees. Students are expected to take loans in order to afford their tuition fee’s and many are forced to work on the side of their studies.


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