Swedes in the States Crayfish Party is getting closer, and what better way to prepare for the event than to take a look at the menu? Because let’s admit it, the food (and drinks) are always the highlight of any event. And if it wasn’t already obvious, thanks to our sponsors’, drinks will be flowing freely during the event.
When deciding on the menu for our event, we naturally chose to go with the number one Swedish caterer in all of SoCal, Food by Emily. Keep your eyes out for an interview coming up with her!
So with no further ado, let us introduce you all to the menu. If you’re in Los Angeles on the 6th of September, be sure to snag a ticket here before they are all gone.
Skagen Toast
Main course
A TON of Crayfish
No further explanation needed.
Swedish Cheese Pie – Västerbotten Pie
Salmon Cheesecake
Caesar Salad
Potatoes Boiled with dill served with creme fraiche and chives
Vegetarian Smörgåstårta
Swedish Strawberry Cake – Jordgubbstårta