How Friday got its name from the Norse goddess Freya


Finally Friday, the day we’ve all been waiting for!

The end of the workweek and the start of the weekend, a day named after the Norse goddess of love, fertility, and beauty. She also happens to be the goddess of war and a fierce warrior. So, let’s raise a horn of mead to Freya and welcome the weekend with a ‘skål’.

The word Friday is believed to have originated from the Old English word “Frīgedæg” which means “day of Frigg.” However, Frigg is the name of another Norse goddess, Odin’s wife to be more specific. There have been some debate on whether Friday is actually named after Frigg instead of Freya, but most speak to the day being connected to the goddess of love and beauty.

Freja (1905) by John Bauer

The connection between Freya and Friday is also reflected in the Germanic languages. In German, the day is called “Freitag” which means “Freya’s day.” In Old Norse, the day is known as “Freyjudagr” which bachelorarbeit schreiben lassen translates to “day of Freyja.” The close association between the goddess and the day of the week is also reflected in other languages such as French, where Friday is called “vendredi”, deriving from the Latin “Veneris dies” meaning “day of Venus”, the Roman equivalent of Freya.

The association of Friday with love and fertility is also reflected in various customs and traditions. Friday is considered an auspicious day for weddings and is also a popular day for romantic dates. In many cultures, Friday is also considered a lucky day for starting new projects or making important decisions.

In conclusion, Friday is associated with the goddess of love and beauty in both Roman and Norse mythology, depending on the language. The connection between the goddess and the day of the week is reflected in the Old English, German, Old Norse and French language, and hints at the importance that Freya had in the Norse culture.


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