See How Swedes Live Through Sweden’s First Virtual Museum


Do you have an unquenchable curiosity for Swedish architecture, design, and fashion, but don’t have the option of traveling to Sweden at this given moment?

You’re in luck!

Because Sweden has it’s very own virtual museum, aptly named The Swedish Design Virtual Museum.

What is a virtual museum?
A virtual museum doesn’t have a physical collection or a psychical location to visit. The Swedish Design Virtual Museum exists only online – as a way of making Swedish design available and visible to people all over the world.

The Swedish Design Museum is a part of The Design Program, which is an initiative to promote and position Sweden as a design destination. The program is commissioned by the Swedish Government and led by Visit Sweden in collaboration with Architects Sweden, ASFB-Association of Swedish Fashion Brands, The Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture (TMF), and Svensk Form (the Swedish Society of Crafts and Design).

Why a virtual museum?
The museum explains on their website that “The Swedish Design Museum is a virtual museum with opportunities. Going forward, we will showcase Swedish design in new ways–exhibition by exhibition–giving more people the chance to experience what Swedish design is all about. Swedish design is made for the many, made to be used – and used again. It breaks norms and challenges preconceptions. Moreover, it is shaped by its context, the beliefs, and the values of Swedish society. And as a digital platform, the Swedish Design Museum strives to achieve much the same.”

Currently, the museum has one exhibition with several projects on display, called The Home Viewing Exhibitions.

If you want to explore more of the Swedish Design Museum, visit VisitSweden on Facebook or go on

This article was originally published on November 16, 2017, but has been edited since. 



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