The world’s most expensive drink has a hint of Sweden in it


Have some extra cash to spend? Hop on a plane and head to Tokyo.

It’s at the Ritz-Carlton Tokyo that you can indulge in the most expensive cocktail in the world – with one of the main ingredients hailing straight out from Sweden.

Sweden is well-known for their numerous vodka brands such as Absolut, Purity, Smooth, and Svedka. So it might not be surprising news that a Swedish vodka brand has found itself being one of the main ingredients in the most expensive cocktail in the world.

The drink consisting of Absolut Elyx vodka, a squeeze of lime juice and a diamond at the bottom of the glass will set you back an extra ¥2,600,000 or around 20,300 USD.

Naturally ordering a drink like this won’t come without the fanfare it deserves. The cocktail aptly named ‘Diamonds Are Forever Martini’ will be served to the tunes of ‘Diamonds are Forever’.

If you’re on a tight budget, however, Absolut Elyx can be found in most stores that sell liquor for around 30 USD.


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