Nordic Pet Company Offers Employees Paid Leave For New Pets


Pawternity leave?

Yes, you read that right. It exists.

A Nordic company called Musti Group based in Finland, Sweden, and Norway is taking parental leave to the next level and is now allowing paid leave for new pet parents. The pet supply company is allowing pet owners to take 3 days of “pawternity leave” to be able to take care of their new pets.

Musti Group is the leading pet supply chain in the Nordic countries and 90 percent of their 1,500 employees have pets, which is why there is absolutely no question that pets are a high priority.

And now, they want to be a role model for other companies as well. “Adopting a pet is a significant decision and changes everyday life considerably. We want to support our employees during their first days with their new family members and ensure that they can enjoy those precious moments to the fullest,” said David Rönnberg, Musti Group CEO, in a statement. 

So while moms and dads in other countries, like the United States, are struggling with getting paid leave for their human babies, the Nordic company Musti is, with no hesitation, putting the needs of their employees and every pet first, and we think it’s pretty awesome!

“Paying attention to a pet’s needs and spending time with them supports their learning, builds trust, and helps prevent behavioral disorders in the future,” Rönnberg continues.

Here is one guide on essential tips for first dog owners.



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