Norwegian Air cancels all routes between the U.S. and Scandinavia


The airline industry has been at a near standstill since the breakout of the pandemic. Out of the Nordic airlines, Norwegian Air has had an especially rough time with a potential bail-out from the Norwegian government being, and therefore being forced to furlough the majority of their staff.

Now it seems like the airline is looking to make further cuts in order to save itself from bankruptcy. According to Forbes, Norwegian Air will be canceling all transatlantic flights, which means that all U.S. – Scandinavias routes will be gone.

“Norwegian has long been recognized as an industry leader in low-cost travel, winning numerous awards. The company will build on this foundation, focusing on its core Nordics business, operating a European short-haul network with narrow-body aircraft. The airline will continue to meet its customers’ needs by offering competitive fares across a broad range of domestic routes in Norway, across the Nordics, and to key European destinations”, the airline announced in a press release.

Transatlantic flights have long been the reason for Norwegian Air’s massive debt. After having purchased large aircraft like the ill-fated Boeing 737 MAX and the Boeing 787, meant for long-haul flights, Norwegian has realized that the strength of their business lies in shorter flights within Europe.

“Our short-haul network has always been the backbone of Norwegian and will form the basis of a future resilient business model,” Jacob Schram, CEO of Norwegian Air, said.

We are sad to see Norwegian Air go!



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