Business Sweden releases podcast


This week, Business Sweden released its first podcast with the purpose of informing and creating discussion on how advancing global companies enhance Swedish growth. The primary subjects of the podcast are how small and medium-sized Swedish companies can increase their revenues by engaging in business worldwide, and how multinational companies on their part can benefit from investing and expanding in Swedish industry. Globalization, trade, investment, concrete business strategies and entertaining and enlightening cultural clashes from all over the world are discussed with great enthusiasm.

Business Sweden is partly state-owned and partly private and seeks to assist companies that aspire to take their businesses abroad as well as make it easier for foreign enterprises to establish themselves in Sweden. Founded by the Swedish Trade Council and Invest Sweden in 2013, they are present in 46 countries and have over 500 employees. In the US, Business Sweden has offices in New York City, Chicago, and San Fransisco, and provide market and location analyses as well as consultancy services in for instance human resources, legal advice and financial administration.

The first podcast episode touches upon the emerging markets of Mexico and Iran, both currently in the spotlight. Iran’s economy is expected to suffer significantly from the sanctions following the US’s withdrawal from the nuclear agreement. These sanctions are also predicted to affect European markets. Mexico, with an upcoming presidential election in July, is also an interesting market for anyone investing in the US. Whether NAFTA survives the current American administration unscathed remains to be seen. Mexico is nevertheless an up-and-coming market.

Listen to Business Sweden’s trade experts Mårten Wilkens and Poja Panah discuss there two markets here.

Business Sweden podcast

Nu lanserar Business Sweden en egen podcast! Det första avsnittet handlar om Iran och Mexiko som är två snabbt växande tillväxtmarknader och högaktuella för svenska företag. Hör Business Swedens experter Poja Panah och Mårten Wilkens och deras spännande historier om framtidstro, kulturella skillnader mellan att driva företag i Sverige, Iran och Mexiko och om hur svenska Ericsson påverkat hur ett helt land väljer att svara i telefon. Sök på Business Sweden i din podcastapp (iTunes), på Acast och Soundcloud eller klicka här:

Slået op af Business Sweden i Mandag den 28. maj 2018



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Rebecca is originally from Gothenburg and holds a B.Sc in Economics and Political Science. During her time at university, Rebecca has worked part-time in service and most recently as CSO at Nordea, the largest financial services group in the Nordics. Rebecca was also the Board Secretary for the Society of International Affairs and a part of the board of the Swedish Red Cross Youth Organisation. She has previously written for a foreign policy magazine, Utblick. Currently, she is finance and accounting manager for the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce and Editor for Swedes in the States.


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