Elina Sundqvist

Elina Sundqvist is originally from Luleå and finished her bachelor in journalism and multimedia before moving to Los Angeles in 2016. She is the Managing Editor at Swedes in the States. For editorial inquiries: elina@swedesinthestates.com

How & Why Norwegians Celebrate ‘Syttende Mai’

Perhaps even the most important day of the year to them. The 17th of May celebrations are so grand in…

7 months ago

Sweden’s Very Own Viking Wonder Woman

Ten years ago, archaeologists and historians found the remains of what seemed to be a fierce warrior in the Viking…

3 years ago

16 Photos That Show How Beautiful Swedish Winters Are

Swedish winters are known to be biting cold, dark the larger part of the day with heaps of snow and ice…

3 years ago

The World’s Oldest Tree Lives in Sweden

The world's oldest tree, Old Tjikko, is a 9,500-year-old Norwegian Spruce tree that was discovered in 2004 by Professor Leif…

3 years ago

This Is How Long It Takes To Learn A Scandinavian language

Curious about what the Swedish Chef in the Muppet's Show is actually saying? (spoiler: it's not actually Swedish, merely gibberish)…

3 years ago

Blast from the Past: This Norwegian Couple Gets Married in True Viking Style

Want to get married in true Nordic fashion? Get inspired by Elisabeth and Rune Dalseth who decided to go the…

4 years ago

How About A $500 Princess Cake Bag?

There are not many things more Swedish than the beloved Princess Cake, and it seems that this Danish Etsy Shop…

4 years ago

The concept of Swedish death cleaning explained

Have you heard the term "Swedish Death Cleaning" before?

4 years ago

Netflix: Scandinavians Among The First To Start Watching Christmas Movies

Are you one of those people that queue up Love Actually and Home Alone before November has even really begun?…

4 years ago

#Swedishmade: Skype

#Nordicmade is the article series in which we feature famous brands, apps, artists, DJs and companies that are made in…

5 years ago

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