Sweden in Bid to Host World Cup in Men’s Ice Hockey


The Swedish Ice Hockey Association will be bidding for the opportunity to host the World Cup in Men’s Hockey 2025. This comes almost 13 years after Sweden hosted a World Cup, that ended in a financial fiasco for the association, but a win for the Swedish national team, Tre Kronor.

The association will be submitting their application, today, while on a conference in Malta. Together with Russia and the Czech Republic, Sweden has agreed on a 3-year plan where they will all take turns to host the World Cup. Russia opting for 2023, the Czech Republic for 2024 and Sweden for 2025.

“I truly hope that this will sit well with the international hockey family. Especially when we’ve had such success in negotiating this mutual 3-year plan with the Russians and the Czechs,” said Anders Larsson, the president of the Swedish Ice Hockey Association to Radiosporten.

Där spelas kommande VM 2019 Slovakien. Slovnaft Arena i Bratislava och Steel Arena i Košice 2020 Schweiz. Ny arena i Lausanne och Hallenstadion i Zürich, ny arena planeras även där. 2021 Lettland och Vitryssland. 2022: Finland.

While the application is filed today, it might not take until next year at the World Cup in Slovakia, for us to hear word on the final decision. The World Cup in 2020 will be held in Switzerland, 2021 in Latvia and Belarus, and 2022 in Finland.


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